It's a lot a fun. I went to see Raven play at the BottleCap. There were three people out front that could ride it. Raven is a really good singer. She has a voice kinda like Billy Holiday, but she does all sorts of music. There was a guitar player from NC there with her. He was Country Dave. he was a really fast picker. I wish I'd had my camera charged. Raven has come out to the fires several times, too (see below). I was proud she liked my music. She's a very known and respected musician in town.

I started recording some music. If you click my StereoFame banner it will take you to my music. It's the butterfly song. I just use one stereo microphone. i've been uploading them to the internet. Stereofame hosts my music. It's some kind of game.
I've been selling on the street a lot trying to get ready for our trip to the Abacos. We are meeting Marantha there in Freeport April 8th. I have a lot of work to finish on the boat before we leave. It's going to be a busy month. We are very excited, but leaving all our friends will be very sad. We seem to have more friends here than back home. It's because we see them all the time because we all live within five minutes of each other.
Another Island party. It awesome when Toko's family comes out. The vibe is perfect. Robert and I hit it off one day taliking about the destruction of the planet and politics. He is the red head playing guitar.
Our friend, Lauren showed up. It was her birthday. She happened to be in town for a week. It was good to see her. We hung out with her a bit the first time we came to Key West. She gave us the scoop on Grainne. Apparently, Grainne went crazy, stole stuff from people and got deported back to Ireland after marrying a gay man on the island.
This is Arial (below), the newest member of the Newton family. She is named after the little mermaid.
This is just the dingy dock on a beautiful day.
Toko and Diana moved back onto the boat a week ago. We are looking forward to spending water time with them before we leave, March 25.
Piper has been taking kids from the Boys n Girls Club to pick trash out of the mangroves. She created the Environment Club over the summer. They are making a real impact. Passersby always thank them for their service. The Keys are way behind on environmental issues, recycling and protection of their water. The mangroves next to roadsides resemble landfills. Good Job Kids!
One of the best things about working on the street is when Randesh rides up in his Suzuki Samurai full of Green and yellow Coconuts. He chops the top off so you can drink the water. I usually cut the husk off with a knife and eat the nut itself too.I've gotten good at it and have come to love the jelly coconuts as well.
Here is a picture of my friend , Ryan's torch rig. He has water for cooling the metal and a lighter to light the torch all in one tool. He is also a wire sculpture. Here is one of his heavy metal sculptures modeled after his wire sculpture. We do the same type art but differently. I love this rig.
And for your boater's moment of zen, I leave you with a lesson in reuse. Piper discovered that a boatyard will almost always have thousands of stainless screws and hardware lying in the gravel. This is one plate worth. We have pulled out about five or six of these to start our stainless collection. Hundreds of dollars worth of stainless without the trips to the store. So all yee boaters and handypeople... stop with a bucket.